I just thought to tell u all that I am just promoting a big cat. Only 20 in the wild right now, I learnt that from Planet Earth. It lives in America and its name is the Amur Leopard.

Here is a few pics and some websites I picked out just 4 u so u can learn more about the rarest big cat in the world.
http://www.amurleopard.org - Its amazing with this website that they are trying to promote and save this facinating big cat.
http://www.amurleopard.com - Look at this website. You might find it fancy, at the bottom of it though there is a email that you can email to find out more about how you can help this poor animal from becoming extinct. Found the top sentence facinating but a bit sad.
I have not read this but check out this website. If u click on the threats icon u can see some horrible info that I will not tell u about but its the cold hard truth, here is the basics - 80% of its territory gone in 13 years - how appauling is that.
http://environment.newscientist.com/article/dn11708-amur-leopards-now-one-step-closer-to-extinction.html - Sad news for this big cat. I read it all but there is still hope in this world just like a New Zealand person helped saved the Black Robin at the number of 1 breeding pair.
http://www.amur.org.uk/leopards.shtml - I havnt got some pics up yet but check out this website. It also has links to protecting both the Amur Leopard and the Siberian Tiger. Good pics as well.
Now 4 the pictures since the websites I have done are quite good. 10/10 for the one with the pics.

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